Tuesday, October 11, 2011

God, Me and The Priest

I dreamed in poetry last night,
in words more poetic than I know.
It wasn’t  sexual,
but,  I did keep saying “yes! yes!”
Exuberant over dream words,
that for the first time, may have caused my husband some degree of concern over that trip I took
to a canyon of all places,
with a river
and it was hot.

You were in it.
(the dream, that is)
Sitting across from a priest, of all people
in that laid back, long legs crossed, fingers positioned over your mouth just so,
way of yours,
how telling of you.

I could see your wheels turning
when you said that thing I can’t remember.
But he wrote it down.
I had to hold my smile wide on the inside,
expanding my ribs without breath,
his facial grimace tightening.
“Balance, get your balance!”

I wanted to leap from the edge of my seat 
and shout “No!” in your defense.
But you were so calm,
unafraid of man-made condemnation,
and I didn’t jump, because of it.

The question was heavy.
Your truth was heavier.
We could feel the weight
there in the silence
of the dream…
I can’t remember.

Patricia Spreng

A real dream…  God, me and the priest... go figure.   I waited in stillness this morning,  quietly hoping for the memory of  what he said to come back to me.  I honestly can’t remember, it was gone.  I only remember how I felt.  The same way I always feel whenever I hear the Truth.  Maybe tonight I'll try and get back there. =)
(If you are a psychotherapist, please go easy on me in the comments section.)

Submitting this to d’Verse Open Link Night where you will find the wonderful words of poets.


  1. haha i wont psychoanalyse you...what a dream though...oh i wish you could remember what was said...you prbably will when you need it most...

  2. wow - what a vivid dream...love how you bring it to us...still all the intensity clinging to it...great write pat

  3. Your dream is about you... the priest and God are you (the other you).

    Like this line: Your truth was heavier.

    Thanks for sharing this ~

  4. I agree the dream probably is about me, Heaven. I see it as sitting with my two judges (my own father was a judge too... oooh...the plot thickens =) God and I are friends and we know each other well, comfortable. But, God is definitely not me. He is my Redeemer, Defender... and I'm pretty sure he had the last word in the dream and otherwise. Thanks for your input, Heaven. You have such a beautiful name!

  5. A vivid dream.... Thank you for sharing.

  6. haha now that was an interesting dream
    Your brain must have been in high beam
    That's all the psycoanalysting I will do
    Loved the verse from you

  7. You're very lucky to have God speak to you in dreams. Now, if you could just remember what He said!

    It's very frustrating to dream poetry, but have the words just out of reach. Also, I have found that people who speak to me in my dreams are often me. A part of me is telling the cognizant me something I need to know.

  8. Well written.. My fav line Balance, who does not need balance. Is there such a thing as having it?

  9. Love this, Patricia. And your commenters are right - most of the people in our dreams are parts of ourselves - our unconscious mind communicating with us. But often when you dream of a pastor and/or priest, that figure is the Christ - the Risen One. Always, always cool to dream such things! (NOT a psychotherapist, but I've been in training for a couple of years in spiritual direction and we do a fair amount of dream work there...)

  10. a fantastic dream to entertain all.
    well penned!


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