Saturday, February 18, 2012



I'm spending time with these wonderful places this weekend... come with me.


  1. Oh, Pat. This bud is definitely pregnant with promise!

  2. So beautiful! Hope waiting to burst forth in word and bud! Love it!

  3. Oh, my, Pat!!! This is so, so perfect in every way...and considering the post I just wrote, it's where my heart is this very day. Thank you.

  4. Such a strong photograph and word ... wait. It's a hard one but fools rush in.
    Julee Ann Grey Barn STORIES

  5. Bursting with the promises of God and all that is to come. This is so poignant and beautiful. Thank you!

  6. I have had the most beautiful Amaryllis bulbs blooming over and over since I received them in the mail for Christmas. God's abundance comes in the waiting. Lovely photo.

  7. LOVE this, Pat. But next week (or the week after?) you MUST post a picture of the flower open and radiant. Yes, you must. Thanks for this!

  8. Did Sandy really say that Bud's pregnant? I thought we were keeping that quiet for a while.

    But really, beautiful, Pat. I saw this the other day and thought I'd told you so, but I must have distracted myself before I got that done. I'm with Diana. Updated photos required.

  9. Simply breathtaking. Amazing photography.
    Keep up the God work.


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