
 I'm so glad you came by.
My name is Patricia.
I live in Michigan.

I am a child of God, wife, mom, singer, writer and lepidopterist.  You weren't expecting that last one, huh?
A long time ago, I became enthralled and captivated by monarch butterflies.  I study and photograph them. When spring comes around, I find myself raising them inside my home.  Like my kids say... it's a lot of fun... for me.  One day they will see the spiritual truths I've found in watching the monarch transform.

I am married to my wonderful husband of 30 years and we've been blessed with four really great kids. I love to snow ski and anything else that has to do with boats or water.  I work as the director of a great big group of volunteers at our local hospice.  Mostly, I love to observe the extraordinary things of God in the ordinary moments of life. I truly feel like I am one of His monarch butterflies, slowly changing and emerging.  Sometimes I am fortunate enough to capture those moments in writing or through photography.